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Senior Hub
2nd National Prize on Best Overall Social Inclusion Hack 2014
While social media sites for older Australians are certainly nothing new, the idea of combining that with open community information adds another dimension. Making open community information more accessible and combining it with a social aspect is a great step towards making sure our aging population stays informed and connected in the future.
1st Prize on Best Public Servant Team (Australian National Team Awards)
1st Prize on Safer Cities and Roads (GovHack 2015)
1st Prize on Helping communities connect with data (GovHack 2015)
More and more people choose walking or cycling instead of driving, however, there are over 2,000 children bicyclists injured since 2005 and over 16,000 road accidence happened last year in South Australia.
To keep road safe for everyone, share the road equally, we create this application to help public find the best route to walking or cycling.